25 September 2013
Main stage
The fable
play puts on stage various folk tales from Olga Nagy folklorist's collection
entitled Fütykös és a sárkány. The play based on various traditional Hungarian
folk tales evokes the atmosphere of traditional Hungarian folk instruments,
marketplace comedies in a humorous, lighthearted, but entirely accurate
playstyle made all the more intriguing by the fast and spectacular changes in
scenery. Whistler, the poor peasant although is lazy to do manual labor, his
mind and heart are in the right place. He embarks on a global journey to seek
out his fortune. He reaches Búvalbélelt country’s many sad-solemn villages to
rework the maddened locals’ minds, then wanders into the court of the princess
of Bergengócia: here is where his ultimate test awaits. He does not have to
tame a dragon, but a princess. Beyond struggling with human stupidity, he has
to battle the two headed Ördög-Bördög as well… On his way to his fortune he is
helped by his clear, down to earth mind, his sense of justice, bravery and
faith and his hope that he can change this world turned on its head.
Csibi Szabolcs, Kelemen István
Set and costume design:
Vetró Barnabás
Prop maker:
Zayzon Ádám
Directed by: Márkó Eszter