16 February 2019
1h 20′
Studio performance in the main hall
What remains of the theatre if the well-known, usual norms are
separated from it? If the stage and the auditorium get mixed up, the author disappears,
instead of the public the actor starts to communicate with the present
individuals about the theatrical systems and the manipulation?
It is believed that at the moment of death we lose 21 grams of
our weight, according to some assumptions these grams are the weight of our
soul. How do you sum up the 21 grams of the classical dramas in few minute scenes?
The Smoke, or occupation of the theatre asks these and similar questions. Instead of enjoying, it
offers common thinking and common presence equally for the viewers and the players.
The play was realised with the support of
the BGA and NKA. The play is the coproduction between the Figura Studio Theatre and
the Artus Contemporary Art Studio from
Goda Gábor
Kali Ágnes
Fine artist:
Gábor Botond
Sebestény Ferenc
Light designer:
Kocsis Gábor
Music editor:
Kolozsi Borsos Gábor
Directed by: Hudi László