13 April 2018
1h 10′
Studio performance in the main hall
Mayenburg’s drama posits questions to which there are no simple, comfortable or even pleasing answers.
What happens when the Holy Scriptures end up in a medium that does not know what to do with it exactly because it got detached from this cultural milieu? Can a strong and genuine faith arrest one in such a situation? Or the only possible event is the tension arising from the conflicting nature of the two points of view superseded by those actual rules of conduct that negate the counterarguments of the few thousand year old narrative.
Benjamin regards that the religiosity he espouses is the only valuable mode of being and self-reflection, but he is not conscious to the fact that he constantly misinterprets the Holy Scriptures. His environment fails to, and maybe doesn’t even want to understand his quickly developed faith. No matter how hard they bar him, he won’t change, not even after all the disciplinary action taken against him. Thus ends up the narrative in such an irreversible situation in which even the fact that instead of sinners we only find problems (though: martyrs) is a tragedy.
WILLY BATZLER (headmaster)
ERIKA ROTH (biology, chemistry, geography)
MARKUS DÖRFLINGER (history, physical education)
DIETER MENRATH, rev. (divinity)
GEORG HANSEN (student)
LYDIA WEBER (student)
Boros Csaba
Set and costume design:
Szőke Zsuzsi
Directed by: Keresztes Attila