20 December 2017
Studio hall
Journal of Drug written by Hungarian writer,
journalist, film critic Viktor Kubiszyn was published in 2011. The book is a
journal-like confession regarding the writers 16 year long drug addiction. The
texts not only highlight the physical and mental mechanisms of addiction, but
also the infernal circle of breaking free and relapse and then the possibility
of the final purgation. The play is the concentrate form of the book: it keeps
the story, the various psychic distortions and relapses and the various stages
of purgation. How is it the some become addicts while others don’t? What does
this world give and what does it take from the user? How deep you have to
succumb to feel that there are now lower depths? How strong has the will to be
that brings you back to reality? The production has an admitted drug
prevention-message but it also wants to hold a mirror up to the viewer, because
if we are honest, we all are addicted to one thing or another and in each case
the desire for change and faith is equally important.
Visual effects:
Ferenczi Zoltán
Costume designer:
Török Réka
Dramaturgical consultant:
Moșu Norbert-László
Directed by: Faragó Zénó